Upcoming Events
Join us for our Virtual Summit! The summit will include:
PAANBC Updates
“Community Champions” profiles
Grant opportunities presentation
How to adapt physical activity solutions to your community
Email physicalactivity@unbc.ca to register for this free event! Everyone is welcome.
Northern Rockies Triathlon
The Northern Rockies Triathlon (or Duathlon) returns with multiple levels offered for all fitness levels! Register by August 15th at nrrm.perfectmind.com.
Morfee Lake Scramble
The Morfee Lake Scramble is a 15km (about twice the height of Mount Everest) mountain bike, run, or walk along the Morfee Lakeshore Trail. The trail boasts stunning scenery nestled in the trees with lake and mountain views. This event has activities that are inclusive of all ages and fitness levels.
Move to Cure ALS
ALS walk, silent auction, music, kids games, BBQ, all proceeds to towards patients & families effected by ALS.
Prince George Road Runners Beat the Bugs Trail Race
Beat the Bugs is a scenic 5km or 10km trail race at the Caledonia Nordic Ski Centre.
PGRR’s June event utilizes both cross-country ski and single track trails to take runners all over the Otway trail system. The 5km route is relatively flat and is a good, introductory trail race for first-timers.
The race begins in the stadium area of the Nordic Centre at 8141 Otway Road. And the race name says it all – it’s June, there WILL BE BUGS!
9th Annual Summit Run-It
Run/walk this safe and scenic 12km round-trip adventure in the Northern Rockies of Stone Mountain Provincial Park with members from BC Parks and Northern Rockies Fire Rescue.
Register online at nrrm.perfectmind.com or with the Customer Service desk at 250-774-2541 ext 1.
Prince George Multiple Sclerosis Walk
The Prince George Multiple Sclerosis Peer Support Group is organizing the 25th PG MS Walk. This is a fundraising event on behalf of MS Canada and our local MS community and supporters. The event includes presentations, activities, music, lunch and a 2.5 km Walk around the park.
Located at the Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park Bandshell.
FSJACL Hero Dash
The FSJACL Hero Dash is an inclusive, all-ages obstacle course event taking place on May 26, 2023. There are two course choices: Course 1 is a track-style event for those with wheels, and course 2 is a full-mobility event. During the Hero Dash, a Superhero and Sidekick team of two will rush to finish a variety of activities within a 15-minute timeframe.
Our goal is to raise $10'000.00 during this event for our organization. Our participants are able to register to accept pledges through Peer to Peer donations on Canada Helps! There will be prizes for various categories at this event such as top fundraiser, best costume and more. We will see you there.
Prince George Road Runners - Mother's Day 5km Run
Located at the Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park Bandshell
NRRM Free Appreciate Water Swim
Enjoy a free swim on the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality to celebrate water!

Caledonia Nordic Ski Club Spirit of the Rivers Loppet
We are back live for the best loppet ever!
Get your vintage cross-country outfit out of the attic and wear it with pride!

Northern Sports Centre Winter Programs
Northern Sports Centre Winter 2023 Fitness Programs:
Active Aging Strength
Intro to Women on Weights
Boxer Fit
Fit at 50+
Active Aging TRX
Active Aging Essentails
Aerial Yoga
Weekend Warrior
Ball Pilates