Anne Pousette
Anne is currently the Volunteer Executive Director of Promotion of Wellness in Northern BC based in Prince George. Anne retired as a Member of the Medical Staff at the University Hospital of Northern BC in 2021 after 42 years working in health promotion and health care in northern BC. With experience in Family Practice, medical advisory roles for Occupational Health and Injury Prevention, Anne was the medical lead for Northern Health in collaborative work with the 2015 Canada Winter Games, Co-Chaired the British Columbia Physical Activity Council from 2012 to 2015, and is currently part of the Provincial Physical Activity Collaborative. Born and raised in northern BC, Anne has worked to promote health enhancing physical activity in the region throughout her career, and is now excited to see the PAANBC advancing capacity and knowledge.
Volunteer Executive Director, Retired Physician
Wellness in BC Association
Anne lives on the unceded territory of the Lheidli T'enneh, part of the Dakelh First Nations.